Increase Your Profits with the Pay Per Sale Affiliate Program

Our PPS program is the highest paying affiliate program for a reason! Affiliates are paid not for a lead, but for an actual sale their traffic generates. Thus, as soon as your lead turns into a sale, you earn more!

See Why the PPS Model is Better Than Other Affiliate Programs

Your online marketing needs will be satisfied with our Pay Per Sale program. This affiliate program is perfect for advertisers, because they pay only after they receive money from real clients. In this case, you spend nothing for poor performance and lack of conversion. Instead, you pay only for good quality traffic and more than just leads. Once the affiliate knows they'll earn money only after an actual purchase, they are more motivated to concentrate on activities that generate sales. So, if you're an affiliate who wants the biggest profit, choose this highest paying affiliate program.

PPS Advantages

Orientation on Publishers

We offer our publishers the most favourable business terms and conditions.

Wider Coverage

The number of countries and brands we cover is constantly growing.

Simplified Optimisation

Offers and campaigns optimisation is just one of the benefits of working with us.